Blended and or Virtual apprenticeships a way of the future

Technology advancements and Covid-19 to accelerate virtual/online model.

Blended and or Virtual apprenticeships a way of the future

COVID-19 has presented significant disruption of education and training across the country, highlighting that the apprenticeship system may need to adapt to offer training virtually. 

With technological advancements, some apprenticeship programs are exploring virtual elements of on-the-job training and online instruction. Some providers and colleges have pivoted to deliver related technical instruction online, and employers have become innovative in offering remote training. 

Here are some reasons why virtual apprenticeship opportunities may be right for some apprentices, and the providers.
•    Reduce transportation costs for apprentices and for providers.
•    Build bonds between geographically dispersed apprentice cohorts.
•    Appeal to a new generation of employees.
•    Continue delivery of training and instruction during public health concerns or natural disasters.
•    Provide more flexibility to both apprentices and providers.
•    Helps providers/employers widen applicant pools and recruit in rural areas to fulfill education requirements for the apprenticeships they need to fill.

If your company is interested in exploring in the delivering the apprenticeships virtually, you can find  more details here -


Posted 3 years ago by admin


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